

Hosted by Devfolio


Hackathon Timeline

Registration starts

04 December 2022

05:00 PM IST

Registration ends

12 February 2023

11:59 PM IST

Hackathon starts

04 February 2023

11:00 AM IST

Hackathon ends

20 February 2023

12:30 AM IST

Results announced

24 February 2023

08:00 PM IST

Talks and other events

BuidlGuidl 101

Learn all things scaffold-eth and much more from the best in the game


02 February 2023

08:00 PM IST

Building on Ethereum 101 by Emily Lin


Emily Lin 

Join in to get started with building on Ethereum with some tips-and-tricks on how to build for the ConsenSys bounty


02 February 2023

08:45 PM IST

Get your Smart Contracts ready for FVM

Learn all about Filecoin, FEVM, and their bounties at ETHforAll!


03 February 2023

08:00 PM IST

AAVE - New Frontiers for DeFi Builders

Join in to learn all about AAVE and their bounties up for grabs at ETHforAll!


03 February 2023

08:45 PM IST

ETHforAll Kick Off Keynote

Listen to a powerful keynote by people working towards implementing digital strategies for emerging technologies such as AI, Blockchain, Cloud, IoT and more.


04 February 2023

11:30 AM IST

Join a panel discussion by industry veterans to get insights hotter than a fresh blockchain transaction.


04 February 2023

12:30 PM IST

ETHforAll Partner Showcase

The hackathon partners share their core beliefs along with details about the bounties up for grabs.


04 February 2023

01:15 PM IST

Unlocking the potential of decentralized video with Livepeer

Worry not when Livepeer SDK is here! Join in to learn all things Livepeer and how to best build to win their bounties.


06 February 2023

08:00 PM IST

Introduction to Polygon ID



Planning to try your hands at the Polygon bounty? This is the workshop for you to learn all things Polygon and Polygon ID.


06 February 2023

08:45 PM IST

Building decentralized, serverless applications

In this workshop, we will first take a look at how The Graph provides critical infrastructure to web3. We will then learn how dApp developers can create their own open API, that is tailored to the data requirements of their application.


07 February 2023

08:00 PM IST

Introduction to Chainlink Trust Minimized Services

Learn all about the Chainlink Trust Minimized Services along with the bounties up for grabs at the hackathon!


07 February 2023

08:45 PM IST

Building on MetaMask Snaps 101

Learn all about building on MetaMask Snaps and get a sneak peek on how to win the bounties!


08 February 2023

08:00 PM IST

Seamless Onboarding: Create Web3 Wallets with Email ID



Learn all about Arcana and how you can improve the UX of your dapp with seamless onboarding!


08 February 2023

08:45 PM IST

Zero to Hero: Getting Started with Mantle



This is your chance to learn all about the basics of Mantle, basic smart contract deployment, and how to win their bounties!


09 February 2023

08:00 PM IST

Building with Super Tokens: A New Token Standard

Love building on DeFi? Superfluid is here to tickle your build instincts and help you build with Super Tokens.


09 February 2023

08:45 PM IST

How Biconomy SDK leverages Account Abstraction to simplify UX

Learn all about how the Biconomy SDK leverages Account Abstraction to simplify UX and accelerate mass adoption for Web3


10 February 2023

08:00 PM IST

Integrate and Build with Wrappers

Learn all about how to build with Polywrap and their bounties!


15 February 2023

08:30 PM IST

Closing Ceremony and Winners Announcement

The much-awaited results are here! Join the closing ceremony to see if you made it to the list 👀

24 February 2023

08:30 PM IST